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Invited by the client with a shoot-for-the-stars brief, Sydney interior designers Brendan Wong Design sculpted a series of dynamic spaces into this tri-level penthouse apartment renovation. Soaring volumes welcomed creative scale play and inventive blurring of boundaries. The main bedroom suite now has an open relationship to the ensuite, spilling natural light into the bathing space whilst privacy needs are met by containing other bathroom elements behind closed doors. Opulent flourishes in chorus with rhythmic ceiling and floor designs, layer unique synergies throughout the apartment, continued with the sumptuous furnishings.
A new staircase takes an architectural attitude contrasting with the opulent formal sitting room. A tiered tubular brass and glass chandelier was introduced to inhabit the celestial volume above. The mezzanine balustrade is crafted from tubular brass, randomly overlapping, to compliment the extraordinary light fitting. Timber framed soft grey silk panels and dreamy sheer curtains soften the angular expanse.